Wednesday, June 15, 2016

diabetic foot treatment with smart insole

Uncontrolled diabetes is one of the reasons that puts you at a risk of diabetic foot or ulcers. However, there are various factors like peripheral sensory neuropathy, minor injuries of the foot, unhygienic wound care or poor foot protection. More serious complications include gangrene (death and decay of tissue), widespread gangrene may cause foot or toe amputation. This tragic consequence can be prevented by managing blood sugar levels and daily foot care. Also, it’s important to choose the right footwear, the diabetic patients may lose feeling in the foot. Sennotech InsoleX is designed to help manage footpressure, it can map plantar pressure distribution and give wearers real time feedback to facilitate foot care.

Friday, June 3, 2016

smart insole for diabetic foot

Particularly to diabetic patients, they tend to have nerve dysfunction, and are at greater risk for developing a foot ulceration. Insole X can compensate for sensory loss with a visualized map of foot pressure distribution and detailed movement data, the patients will be able to monitor their own health state during rehabilitation even not under the physical therapists’ supervision.